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Cambo dogs
Anyone who knows me will know how much I love dogs, especially my little mutts. We're a house fill of strong personalites and obviously there is a lot of dog hair to clean up, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. All pet owners know how...
How to draw tutorials
Bonkerbots on YouTube. Wow! We never thought we would end up having a Youtube channel. Granted we're still bran new and have a teeny tiny following but that was never the reason for us creating one. As you know, Keith has this pretty...
Fine Motor skills: Part 2
As Kinder teachers, we understand the importance of helping our students develop their fine motor skills. We're constantly searching for new and exciting ideas to use in our classrooms. Pinterest certainly aids this and can...
DIY Chess set
Just like that. Christmas has come and gone. Crazy right? Well, I guess we can say that about this entire year. Keith and I normally don't normally exchange gifts at Christmas but this year, we decided we should but...we should make each...
Thrift shopping
I don't know about you but I absolutely love hitting a thrift store. Searching through heaps of clothes to find something special is exciting. You have to be willing to search though, I know it's not everyone's deal but for me, I thoroughly...
World of Online Teaching
Wow! December 2020, can you believe it? What a whirlwind of a year. I know we can all name plenty ways in which our lives have changed because of the pandemic from not seeing family and friends, losing loved ones, likely receiving a much...
Christmas split pins
It's mid November and we're all searching for exciting Christmas crafts to do with our students. One of my all time favorites would have to be some sort of split pin craft. Many people don't quite know what I'm talking about when I mention the word...
How to draw a Christmas Elf
I don't know about you but I feel like it was January the other day and then I blinked and suddenly we're in November. Christmas is obviously not celebrated in the traditional sense here but our Schools normally throw a combined party and...
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly craft
Oh my goodness! This little old lady who swallowed a fly craft has to be one of my favorite crafts that Keith has made so far. I remember the making of it. I had been searching for a copy of the book for ages, as it's perfect for teaching...
Aiding Cambodian Flood victims
2020 has been a rather difficult year for everyone around the world. Not only have we all had to deal with a pandemic but the constant weather changing brings its own hardships. Cambodia goes through it's yearly Monsoon season, however, the...